Hypothesis about the madness of national leaders

National leaders are often great egoists and are in constant competition to be in the lead. It is this competition to be in the lead that drives them crazy – there isn’t room for anything else. Some of them don't know why they want to be national leaders, they only know that they want to be in the lead.


National leaders sometimes imprison or eliminate the opposition and those who might criticize them, judges and reporters, and sometimes they go to war. The reason for this could be that they are defending that idea of themselves, of being leaders, and in order for this identity not to be damaged, they will do anything. They are really scared men defending the idea of themselves as great men and number one and get rid of those who might disturb that idea.


The root of this situation could be a view of life like, not to let anyone step on you. Such a life attitude involves conflict, even a tendency to conflict (to prove oneself) and a certain sense of greatness, because if no one can step on one, then he or she must be number one?


The antidote to this might be equality, emotional awareness, love, conflict avoidance and remembering that fewest people are perfect?

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