23.1.2025 | 12:02
It is always said that competition is a good thing, but the downside to competition is that there are winners and losers. Sometimes this applies to whole continents, for example the United States and Africa - winners and losers. How is, for example, Zimbabwe supposed to compete with the USA? They are far behind in development. The rich get richer....... Possibly the world would be a better place if there was more cooperation and less competition.
......Then another possibility could be that the state would establish various companies and compete with the private companies. Then those who had interest and ability to start a company would still be free to do so, but if the state made a profit from its operations, there could possibly be a fairer distribution of wealth in the world.
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:12 | Slóð | Facebook
23.1.2025 | 10:37
I'm a shit man. For example, I eat pork and eggs. The animals are suffering........ maybe similar as in Auschwitz. Maybe I'm worse than the Nazis, maybe some of them were vegans? It is possibly worse to be mean to animals than to people. It's hard to say who is really worse. Everything would have to be taken into account........What cards you were dealt and how they were played and all the circumstances. But anyway, I'm a shit man in that I eat pork and eggs and I have no compensation.
Updated september 6th 2024: I eat little of both now days, but I do eat some, and I have no compensation for that.