Færsluflokkur: Trúmál

Similarities with religion and devilism

There are many similarities between the heavenly fathers of the Bible and the ideas that people have about demons. The god is, for instance, a serial killer and his son threatens to send those, who he says do evil, alive into the fire, where there will be "weeping and gnashing of teeth".

Christians have often acted like Satanists. For example, they burned people alive at the stake and drowned women who committed the sin of having children out of wedlock (which is also special, given that God and Mary were not married when they had Jesus), and they also tortured people in Spanish right of inquiry.

The church has also often been a palace of materialism and has been a great source of money and power. It is well known that it provided forgiveness of sins for payment.

Christian nations have also behaved in a devilish manner, but sometimes their conduct can be compared to Bible examples. The Nazis sent their enemies into the fire, but the Jesus threatens to send those, who he says do evil, into the fire. The United States dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, but the god rained burning sulfur on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and destroyed them and their people.

Another thing that resembles Satanism is the animal sacrifices made by the Israelites, and it is also a bit special, when Christians go to the altar and symbolically, drink the blood and eat the body of Christ.

It should be noted that the Satan of the Bible seems rather innocent compared to the heavenly fathers, at least I do not remember him killing anyone. He says, however, to the Jesus something like this: All this I will give you, if you bow down and worship me, but one wonders whether the Jesus does not the same, that is, if you bow down and worship me, you might be granted eternal life - or isn’t that one of the messages of the Bible?

The Bible is a contradictory book. It contains both a message of love and these examples and more, which I have mentioned above. It is for example a certain contradiction in that the god says, in the ten commandments: Thou shalt not kill a man, but he himself does the opposite. However, some positive lessons can perhaps be learned from the Bible, there is a message of love, but I believe it is used to gain religious support, not unlike a politician says something that many can agree on, to gain support.



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